Ileana D’ Cruz, the current No. 1 heroine of Tollywood is turning 23 today. Born in Mumbai and brought up in Goa, this ravishing beauty was a model before she became an actress and today she has five films in her kitty charging more than a crore per film. Currently she is shooting simultaneously for ‘Saleem’ with Vishnu Manchu and Nitin’s untitled film. So far Ileana did seven films in Telugu, of which ‘Devadasu’ (her debut film) with hero Ram and ‘Pokiri’ with Prince Mahesh Babu are the block busters while ‘Rakhi’ with NTR and ‘Jalsa’ with Pawan Kalyan are the decent grossers. Today, Ileana is celebrating her 23rd birthday with her family members and friends at her hometown Goa.