The audio launch of ‘Ekkadunnavamma O Premika’ under Geetha Cine Creations banner was held at Prasad Labs. Directed by Sri Choudappa, the film is jointly produced by Kamineni Venkateswara Rao and Muppalaneni Ratnakar. Eeswar Chandra and Hasini are the lead pair and Krishna plays the prominent role. The audio CD was unveiled by Murali Mohan and presented the first copy toTelugu Desam leader Raavi Bhaskara Rao while audio cassette was released by Chalasani Venkateswara Rao and given to Ravi Kumar.
Murali Mohan while giving his best wishes to the entire team of the film opined that director Sri Choudappa will grow as big as his guru Dasari Narayana Rao.
Others cast include: Gautham Raju, M S Narayana, Vizag Prasad, Telangana Sakuntala, Srinivas Reddy, Gundu Sundaram, Junior Relangi and others.
Murali Mohan while giving his best wishes to the entire team of the film opined that director Sri Choudappa will grow as big as his guru Dasari Narayana Rao.
Others cast include: Gautham Raju, M S Narayana, Vizag Prasad, Telangana Sakuntala, Srinivas Reddy, Gundu Sundaram, Junior Relangi and others.
Choreography : Samuel and Ashok Reddy;
Music Director: Vandematharam Srinivas and Raj Kiran;
Co-producer: Mandava Vijay Kumar;
Story, dialogues and direction: Sri Choudappa.
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