A couple of days back there was news that Devisri Prasad is making his debut as hero pairing with Charmi under Rajasekhar’s production, the producer who produced ‘Yamagola Malli Modalaindi’. The news has come into public after the producer announced the film’s details of his latest project. In the announcement to the media, he also said that Devisri will be debuting as hero in the film. But much to our surprise, Devi today gave a statement to the media stating the news as bogus. He also said that no one from the particular film production house had approached him and as such he has no plans to change his line as he is busy with 5 - 6 big projects in hand.
Do you remember this kind of rumour had recently circled in the industry about Tamanna and Allari Naresh pairing for the film ‘Padmasree Edukondalu’ who later declared it as false news?
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