Hero Sumanth – Chandini starrer ‘Vijay IPS’ is being made on the police backdrop. Director E Hanumantha Rao designed the story in such a way that every Police Officer should feel responsible by enforcing the law and order, keeping the peace, preventing the crimes and so on. According to producer Kumar, this thought provoking movie will be an inspiration to today’s generation. Hero Sumanth for the first time will be seen in the role of Police Officer. The movie is being made under the banner Visakha Talkies, produced by Natti Kumar. Lalith Suresh provides the music while A Raja handles the camera. Other casts supporting the main lead are Vijay Kumar, Jayaprakash Reddy, Satyanarayana, MS Narayana, LB Sriram, Jhansi, Annapoorna, Jayalalitha and others.
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