Allu Arjun’s Arya 2 (sequel to his blockbuster Arya) is progressing at brisk pace. Directed by Sukumar, the movie has recently commenced its regular shoot and Allu Arjun is currently participating in the scenes. For the first time, he is donning the role of a software engineer in the movie. And a lavish set of a software firm costing Half a Crore rupees has been erected at Annapoorna Studios where the current shooting is progressing.
The film is produced by BVSN Prasad and Aditya Babu and has music by Devi Sri Prasad. Navadeep is doing the second lead. The film is expected to hit the screens on May 9th.
About Syed Faizan Ali
Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.
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