Attractive Akshaya, the granddaughter of yesteryear's actress Chayadevi, after proving her mettle in Tamil films is now looking for a break in Telugu films. "I want to act and dance with superstars like NTR Jr and Mahesh Babu besides others," announces the pretty girl who claims to have declined a few Telugu offers. "My grandma was very popular in Telugu movies and was known for her negative roles, especially as a scheming mother-in-law," informs the dusky gal.
The classical dance exponent got an opportunity to exhibit her skills in a periodic epic Uliyin Oosai and won acclaim for her dancing as well as for her fiery performance as a scorned courtesan. "It was a period story that dated back to 1005 AD and it was challenging to get the ambience and style right," says the upcoming actress who is fascinated with the larger-than-life Telugu cinema. "I am game for skin show," she says before signing off.
About Syed Faizan Ali
Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.
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