Once upon a time Nisha Kothari was more famous as Ram Gopal Varma’s discovery, but now she’s making inroads in Tollywood. Her first Telugu flick to hit the screens was the Balakrishna starrer Okka Magadu, since then she’s appeared in a string of spiced up glamour roles. Now her new movie Hari Om starring new-comer Sekhar, along with Madhu Sharma, is in brisk progress. She has also replaced the actress Malavika in Samrajyam, being filmed in Tamil as Karthigai, due to Malavika’s pregnancy.
Known as Amoha in Kollywood, this spicy hot bombshell is called Nisha across the border in Tollywood. Actually, she’s was born Priyanka Kothari and says that she wants to be known by her original name. But then it’s a bit late for that now Amoha/Nisha. But ‘A rose is a rose by any other name.’
About Syed Faizan Ali
Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.
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