Yes, Nagarjuna rejected director Sreenu Vytla's script, but not now. It was 4 years back. Sreenu Vytla narrated a script that was prepared by writer Gopi Mohan to Nag 4 years back, it was the time when Vytla was directing Venkey.
But the script was serious one and Nag asked Vytla to come up with script of entertainment & action.
So finally after 4 years , with great track record, Vytla narrated the script of King to Nag and Nag nooded his approval in the first sitting itself.
Sreenu Vytla says that the King is going to be blend of Nag's Siva and Hello Brother with Sreenu Vytla's style.
But the script was serious one and Nag asked Vytla to come up with script of entertainment & action.
So finally after 4 years , with great track record, Vytla narrated the script of King to Nag and Nag nooded his approval in the first sitting itself.
Sreenu Vytla says that the King is going to be blend of Nag's Siva and Hello Brother with Sreenu Vytla's style.
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